In English, Xi Hu means West Lake. It is a renowned production place for quality Long Jing. Long Jing is regarded as the top-ten famous tea of China.
Long Jing, is the tea name that almost everyone knew. It's not because of Long Jing is one of the top ten famous China teas (many people might not be able to name all the teas in the list, but surprisingly most people know about Long Jing), it's because of this tea is produced from the famous city of China, Hangzhou, which is a well-known tourist spot too.
In the past and even until now, tea has been always used as a gift especially for diplomatic mission. Green tea is always highly esteemed because of its freshness. This could be the reason why Long Jing produced nearby big city is the top green tea superseded any other Chinese green tea.
No doubt that when there is a demand, there is always a supply.
Due to its fame, the demand of Long Jing kept increasing and the production of this tea has spread out to many other places besides Hangzhou. Nowadays, even the tea gardens in Taiwan and India are producing Long Jing tea as well. Under the circumstances, the authentic Long Jing that produced in historically famous area is named after the production area. The most famous Long Jing in commercial tea market is generally named as Xi Hu Long Jing, from the West Lake (Xi Hu) in Hangzhou. Among Xi Hu Long Jing, the most famous Long Jing is called Shi Feng Long Jing. In English, Shi Feng means Lion Peak. Shi Feng is located in Long Jing village. This place has a very long history in producing Long Jing, and there is the original tea tree that was the tribute tea to the emperors of China. Although Shi Feng Long Jing is already one of our existing line-ups, it is of higher price and one might like to have some options as a casual daily drinking tea. Under the circumstances, we introduced Xi Hu Long Jing that its price is not as high as Shi Feng Long Jing. Although we named it as "Xi Hu", this tea is from the same tea garden for our Shi Feng Long Jing, and it is produced by the same farmer who made our Shi Feng Long Jing. We selected the fresh tea bud from second flush in order to keep the price lower.
It gives an intermediate extent of aftertaste, with a delightful fresh nutty aroma and a comfortably smooth drinking feeling.